Does Tea Help With Sleep?

Does Tea Help With Sleep?

In a recent journal post, we chatted in-depth about the caffeine content in tea, which brings us to the following commonly asked question: can tea help with sleep? If you struggle with getting a good night's rest, we come bearing wonderful news!

Tea and sleep

Herbal (caffeine-free) tea has been used as a natural sleep remedy for centuries. Furthermore, it's also said to help support fatigue, stress, and anxiety, among many other things.

But before we have you dreaming of how easily you'll be dozing off to sleep, it's important to mention that you'll want to avoid tea of the caffeine variety before bed (
we've shared everything you need to know about this here). Herbal teas including RooibosPeppermint, BerryTurmeric, and Chamomile, are naturally caffeine-free, making them a fabulous option, particularly if you're trying to kick a caffeine habit before bed. Be mindful, however, that if you choose infusions such as Chai or a Lime-Ginger blend, as these can have black or green tea added. 

Tea sleep

If you're the kind of person who lies in bed thinking about lost packages in the mail, your never-ending to-do list, or pondering the true meaning of life, this journal post will give you some handy ideas to elevate your sleep ritual to the next level. 

Tea sleep

1. Create a beautiful bedtime routine. 


More often than not, we zoom through the day at lightning speed, our minds running wild with to-do lists and the busyness of daily life. It’s no wonder we find it hard to slip into a deep and peaceful slumber! If you struggle to switch off in the evenings, you might benefit from embracing the slow, methodical pace of an evening routine. First of all, you'll want to consider some rituals that help to minimise screen time. A few ideas include gentle music, candles, enjoying a hot bath, meditating, and of course, sipping on lovely herbal tea. This brings us to our next tip. 

Tea sleep

2. Choose sleep-enhancing tea 

Ready to get that deep snooze you've been dreaming about? A steaming hot mug of tea might just be the simplest way to calm your mind and remind yourself that it's time to slow down.

Here at Websters, we have several herbal teas that are beautifully calming, in particular, our exciting new Chamomile tea that's expertly blended to help support relaxation and sleep. It's a soft and soothing combination of chamomile flower, orange peel, lemongrass, hibiscus, spearmint and rosehip. I bet you can almost smell its delicate aroma just reading about it!

Once you've chosen your tea and popped the kettle on, we encourage you to relish in each step of the process. Boil your water, allow the tea to steep, sip slowly, and enjoy its lovely aroma. This methodical practice alone can help soften stress from your day and enhance a feeling of calm before bed. 

Tea shop

3. How long before bedtime should I drink my tea?

If you want to enjoy Chamomile's sleep-inducing benefits, you'll want to drink your tea about 45 minutes to an hour before hopping into bed. Studies show that the active ingredient in Chamomile, called apigenin, can have a mild tranquillising effect, so this gives plenty of time for the tea to work its magic. 

Tea sleep

4. One last thing...

All in all, herbal tea can be such a simple and soothing addition to your bedtime routine. As results can vary by individual, we recommend trying out different herbal teas to help you experience that deep snooze you’ve been dreaming of. Browse our delicious and colourful range of teas and accessories here.