Tea With Ash

Hi Ash! Tell everyone a little bit about yourself…
I’m Ash, Mark the founder's partner in life and work, and ‘Meema’ to our two little ones, Harrison and Penny. I’ve been a graphic designer for six years now, but have always been creatively curious. I love adventuring, op shopping, spending time with my friends, having dance parties with the kids, and I dislike any movies set in the snow or desert - strange, I know.
Well noted. What are you most excited about right now?
… October 2023 ;)
Mysterious! How do you like to spend your spare time?
This year I’ve been studying garment construction at Toi Ohomai, the Polytech here in Tauranga. It’s been a great creative outlet for me and it’s a skill I hope to pass on to my children one day. Also, I’ve been trying to spend less time online and more time picking up books, getting in the garden, or finding things for Mark to do around the house.
It sure is a long list. How long have you been working at Webster’s?
Officially, I’ve been working at Webster’s Tea since May this year when I came back from maternity leave from our second child, Penny. However, I’ve been a part of the Webster’s Journey for 5 years now where I have been helping with everything from the markets, packing tea, right through to sending out all of your lovely orders. It’s been so amazing to see the journey the brand has taken and all the hard work Mark has put into it.
We recently shared a recipe of yours ‘Meema’s Ginger Crunch’, delicious by the way! What’s another greatest hit of yours in the kitchen?
I am famous for my porridge, well famous within our family, so it's a biassed opinion. Meema’s Ginger Crunch is my tried and true recipe, however, I do want to branch out into an oaty crunch slice … so watch this space.
Beverage wise, when I was pregnant with Penny I accidentally created a Virgin Negroni with our Blood Orange tea and tonic water. It definitely got the taste buds tick of approval.
It’s definitely a winner. So, what are your favourite teas?
It’s been a journey, my true love is English Breakfast. However, I’ve been known to flirt with Earl Grey, Chamomile and Mānuka (with a dash of milk is always a winner).
Do you have a tea ritual? Can you walk us through it please?
Every morning I’m lucky enough to wake up to a cup of English Breakfast in bed. I may be fussy but I like my English Brekkie to be brewed for 2 minutes exactly, no more, no less.
But the cuppas don't stop after breakfast. I like to dabble in a fair few throughout the day, it’s a nice way to just take a moment. You’ll often catch me saying “Ohh, I could do a cup of tea” which often cues the jug to be boiled. Also, what’s tea without a good biscuit, right?
If you could sit down and have a cup of tea with anyone in the world, who would it be and why?
George Harrison. I’m unsure if that needs an explanation? He was the best Beatle :)
Ooooo controversial. I’m team Paul but we won’t start that debate… again. Thanks so much Ash!