Meet Connie Breeds

On our last call together I congratulated Connie on a recent milestone - turning a spry 94 years old. Being a loyal customer of Webster’s, I hear from her every other month, we catch up on the latest, and she places an order for the 'usual' - 2 bags of English Breakfast.
It was truly a delight to sit down with Connie. The following is a combination of our conversation, some questions, and a family history book she generously lent me.
- Mark
Hi Connie, you recently celebrated your 94th birthday - happy birthday! Can you tell us a little bit about your life please?
I was born Constance Anne Frederickson on the 3rd July 1929, in Eketahuna to Claude and Bernice. I was number 5 with 4 brothers and 4 sisters. Dad was a sheep station farm manager and our dear mother gave all of us her untiring love. Life was very basic with Mum sewing, knitting and cooking for us all. I have many happy memories from my childhood.
I married Cliff Breeds on 11 November 1950 and we shared a wonderful life together. Cliff was my best friend and I miss him every day. We have been blessed with three children, seven grandchildren and eight great grandchildren with more to come!
If you could give yourself advice in your 20’s, what would it be?
The one [piece of advice] that I try to live by the most is: Do unto others as you would have done to you. If you stick to this rule throughout your life it’ll help you through all situations and life’s lessons. We were taught this as children and I believe it is a foundation for life… Always believe in each other!
When did you start drinking tea?
I was about 10 I think. Mum was a great tea lover as we all became eventually. My husband Cliff made me a morning tea at 6.30am every morning for 63 years of our marriage.
We first met almost 2 years ago on the phone when you placed an order for English Breakfast. How did you come about drinking Webster’s Tea?
I saw it advertised in the Weekend Sun. The best I have tasted. It seems to have its own unique flavour. Real tea, and I like using a tea pot, I can have it in my chair, 3 cups. Mum's recipe was a banana and at least 3 or 4 [cups] a day.
Thanks so much, Connie. It's been a pleasure!